Loving Commitment

A chicken and a pig were walking past a church building one day when they noticed the Sunday morning sermon posted on the outside bulletin board, “Helping the Poor.” As they walked the chicken suddenly came across with a suggestion. “Say, Brother Pig, why don’t we give all the poor people a nice breakfast of ham and eggs?” The hog thought a moment and replied, “That’s all right for you to say because for you it is only a contribution, but for me, it’s total commitment!”

We could say that today, there are also those who prefer to be the chicken and not the pig in their relationship with God.

In Exodus 35, Moses was directed by God to build the tabernacle. He solicited from the congregation the materials that were needed. To work on the construction, God also pointed out the specific persons who had the appropriate skills (Exodus 35:30-35). The people responded so generously that the workers had to ask Moses to ask the people to stop bringing materials! That is commitment!

In the church, as anywhere, generosity is synonymous with commitment. As you may have already heard it said, “You can give without loving but you can’t love without giving.”

Today, as we weather this crisis, most believers are confined at home and can’t congregate, there are still ways we can do to show commitment to the Lord and our love for the brethren.

  • Be generous with your time – and this should be easy since you have more time to yourself now as before this crisis – and spend more than usual time to the Word of God and prayer!
  • Be generous with your talent – don’t hide your candle under the bed! Those who can cook can prepare something for a less-fortunate neighbor! Can you sing? Record a song of praise or worship and give it to your pastor so he can include it in the online service! Can you play a musical instrument? Do the same as the singer. You can even form a virtual band with other musical Christians and present these also for the online services!
  • Be generous with your possessions – if you know of any church member who is having a hard time coping, call him/her without telling them without offering to “lend” them some money. Just talk with them about their family, children, their schooling, how they’re coping. Then, when they open up the financial need, just say, “Tell you what? God has blessed me with some extra cash these days, I can lend you some money, and you can pay it back when you are able.” Then as you end the call, pray for them. 

When God’s people show generosity and love to each other, that’s when Christ’s sufficiencies and God’s love become manifest!

Romans 5:5 “And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.”

2Corinthians 8:15  “As it is written, He that had gathered much had nothing over; and he that had gathered little had no lack.”

1Peter 4:10-11 “As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.”

But why should we enter into a loving commitment with God?

Because God committed Himself into loving us despite what we’ve done and what we’ve become! Have you even taken that first step to become committed to God?

Friend, if you died tonight, where do you think you will end up? If you are unsure of your eternal destiny, now is the time to make your life right with God. You see, all human beings (me included) are sinners! If you would honestly assess yourself right now, you probably have lied to someone. Or taken something that did not belong to you. You might have looked at someone with lust in your heart. Or hated someone and wishing him/her evil. Or, used God’s name as a cuss-word. If so, that makes you a lying thief, an adulterer, a murderer, and a blasphemer! I think you know where such kinds of people end up already.

But God sent Jesus to earth on a rescue mission! That’s what it says in John 3:16. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”

All who turn to God in humble repentance, coming back to The Creator and ask for forgiveness, believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who gave His life on the cross as payment for sin, Who rose again the third day, ascended to heaven and is coming back to take all His believers with Him to heaven, you can receive forgiveness for your sins and be restored into a relationship with God!

All you need to do is repent, ask Him to forgive you, and entrust your present and future to Jesus Christ. If you are sincere, the Bible says you are SAVED and made as new again! “that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture says, “WHOEVER BELIEVES ON HIM WILL NOT BE PUT TO SHAME.” (Romans 10:9-11)

You can stop being ashamed of what you’ve made out of your life. Guilt does not have to haunt you until your dying day. Accept the offer from Jesus and the receipt His Gift of eternal life today. Hurry! This offer is good only until the Rapture!

If you’ve made a decision to believe in Jesus, let me know! I wish to help you grow in your new faith in the God of the Bible Whose promises never fail.

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Until then, God bless you!

Published by anaxjos

I toss lifesavers to the drowning, give food to the hungry, give water for the thirsty, dress the naked, visit those in prison and leave them the key. Also a treasure hunter who gives away his find. Along the Way, I cast out devils, speak with new tongues, tread on serpents' heads, lay hands on the sick for their recovery, all in the Name of Jesus Who loved me and gave Himself for me!

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