Tares First

Growth is the natural process that follows inception. Whether the organism be a plant, or an animal, or a human being, from its tiniest beginning, it grows until it reaches the state where it is defined and it’s identity is established. It is God’s will that every believer should spiritually grow. Paul expresses this in Ephesians 4:15 “But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:”.

As the man of God increases in knowledge and understanding of spiritual things, or when he thinks so that he can explain difficult questions with relative ease, just when he thinks he has the key to the knowledge of the Holy, when he opens the door to see the glory of God, he is aghast.

Because he sees that God is vastly and infinitely more than what his feeble mind has grasped. He thought he had God in the palm of his hand, but it turns out to be a tiny speck of dust because God is actually holding the whole of creation in His hand. But this knowledge of God also brings with it a burden. This is because God opens spiritual eyes that allow him to see not just the hand of God but also the works of the evil one. This is the painful part of growth.

But cancer cells grow faster than normal cells. So those who hate God fare worse. Rejecting the God of Scripture as archaic and irrelevant, they have created a contemporary god of their own image and likeness, and attribute it with a character and power that is below themselves. Having filled their minds with all sorts of knowledge, they have deluded themselves into thinking that they can manipulate nature just like how a true God can. They believe each other’s lies. They’ve collected all the things that can be known about creation and believe they have the power to change the climate. Amazed at what they have learned in science, they’ve made science their god. But because science serves their purposes, they begin to believe they are gods themselves. Hungry for power and dominion, they have conspired to take possession of the world and judged those who have less in life as unfit to live. Ignorant of the outcome of all that they are doing, they strive and succeed at pressuring the nations into submission to their laws. The called themselves, “The Cabal”.

As people start to die in numbers because of their oppressive laws, their deception deepens, and the cabal believe they are succeeding. They say among themselves, “We have reached the point of no return. The only way forward is to tighten the noose and the rest of useless humans will wither away. Then all the world will soon be ours!” This is the growth of wickedness. It’s growth brings death in large numbers. Ethnic cleansing and genocide will ensure better control of humanity.

Is There a War Against Humanity?

From studying psychological warfare, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko expressed his brilliant observation and grave warning for Israel over what is happening in that country today. He is quoted as saying:

“Prolonged fear and anxiety, coupled together with human isolation, psychologically decompensates the individual, that they have a breakdown and are not capable anymore, of rational thought. There’s a global psychosis going on. And people will gravitate towards any false promise that will reduce the emotional pain that they’re in, because of the fear. So, you can dangle a false vaccine in front of them and they’ll believe it, just because they don’t want to feel the pain anymore. You challenge that narrative, they become belligerent, because what you’re really doing, is bringing them back into that emotional pain state that they don’t want to be in. They’ve lost their minds, literally.”

This explains the new worldview the cabal wants humanity to possess. An unthinking people.

Is Babel Being Rebuilt?

It appears that fallen humanity is trying to establish a new kingdom over all the earth. But to do this, that king has to have a mandate, even a divine one. If the God of heaven won’t do this, the god of this world will readily grant his imprimatur.

How will they pull this off? Here’s a quote from “Associates For Biblical Research”, a Christian Apologetics site.

How Divine Kingship Works

There are three principles basic to the function of “divine” kingship in the ancient Near East. They are essential to using religion for political control.

  1. The king is divine. From the beginning of written history, the Sumerians, after (and even before) the Flood (see the Sumerian King List), considered the king to be divine.

“The earliest known religion is a belief in the divinity of the kings. I do not say that it is necessarily the most primitive; but in the earliest records known, man appears to us worshipping gods and their representative, namely kings (our emphasis; Hocart 1927: 7).”

To make religion really work for government, the person at the top has to assume divinity or semi-divinity.

  1. The king has absolute power. He is above the law; he makes it and changes it as he pleases since he gets direct orders from ”heaven.” For instance,

“We must not think that Hammurabi felt that he was bound by his code of laws. That code he received from the hand of the god Shamash for the establishment of justice in the empire, for the rulership of which he had been predestined from the foundation of the world. From the gods he had his scepter and to them alone he was responsible (Luckenbill 1924: 4).”

  1. Documents supporting the right to rule. There must be something like a “constitution.” Written materials discovered by archaeologists are, to a great extent, documents related in some way to this “right” and its outworking in the kingdom.

Every individual, whether he realizes it or not, has the inclination to worship someone, even if it is only himself. If someone were able to trick a group of people into believing that the Creator had made him king as his “son” and get them to worship him, he could make the people his slaves. In the epic literature of the ancient Near East we frequently note that the hero has been chosen by the gods to rule. Actually, the literary texts (www.ancientdays.net/corancienttexts.htm) and monuments were fabricated to create this very impression on the people. In this literature the people were created for the purpose of serving the gods and their emissaries!

For instance in the Enuma Elish “creation” story, man was created from the blood of the gods (and clay), in order to take care of the gods. Georges Roux has this to say of its effect on Sumer:

“Childish as this story might sound, it was loaded with grave significance for the Babylonians. To their deeply religious mind it offered a non-rational but nevertheless acceptable “explanation” of the universe. Among other things, it described how the world had assumed its alleged shape; it made good the fact that men must be the servants of the gods; it accounted for the natural wickedness of humanity, created from the blood of the evil god Kingu; it also justified the exorbitant power of Marduk (1966: 96).”

Early man was not unintelligent. But, without God he was unscrupulous. The leaders may not have believed their superstitions, since they perpetrated them. The elite class deceived the working serfs and kept them in virtual slavery. There is really no way to know of the plight of the latter, for they were not taught to read and write. Most literature is found by archaeologists in the palace-temple complex of the ancient cities.

Thus, we suggest that the “shadowy” myths and legends of the ancient Near East are deliberately shadowy. They did not “evolve” as a sort of folklore. They were fabricated originally, copied and, in successive societies, revised and reused to retain control. These documents make up the “constitution” for the kingdom. They helped to maintain the palace and the temple in control, and included providing all the needs of the king, and the ruling class, as representative of the gods.

So what can we make out of all these?

  1. Those enduring growing pains will face greater ones as wickedness and darkness continues to creep upon the face of this planet as the “Great Reset” is gradually implemented on the divided nations.
  2. The New World Order will declare a world “monarch” who will later on be also declared as “divine” because he will need to condense and unify the religions of the world into one that espouses a theme that everyone deeply desires – PEACE.
  3. Humanity at large will bow their knees before this king and god and worship him.

But God has His own plans and His counsel, it shall stand.

He will allow all these to take place because these must be accomplished. The tares will grow and prosper along with the wheat but the tares will be gathered together FIRST. This is exactly what the Lord Jesus said in Matthew 13:24-30:

“Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares? He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.”

Did you notice that? The wheat sprung up and brought forth fruit and THEN the tares appeared. The householder allowed the tares and wheat to grow together. This is why the world is such a painful place today. But at the time of harvest, the servants were ordered to “gather first the tares”. This means the wicked will be united and embrace a common world agenda and worldview. But these are reserved for the furnace! Not only are they reserved for the fire, they are already burning with hatred and contempt for the righteous who will not dance to their tune or believe in the great deception they are propagating. The wheat will then be GATHERED into His barn – the RAPTURE!

Child of God, can you hold on and cling to The Rock for just a few more days? And while you’re holding on, can you reach out to a few tares around you? Perhaps they are really wheat deceived into believing they are tares?

Published by anaxjos

I toss lifesavers to the drowning, give food to the hungry, give water for the thirsty, dress the naked, visit those in prison and leave them the key. Also a treasure hunter who gives away his find. Along the Way, I cast out devils, speak with new tongues, tread on serpents' heads, lay hands on the sick for their recovery, all in the Name of Jesus Who loved me and gave Himself for me!

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