Busy, or Lazy?

Even from the beginning, work is one of the things that God has ordained for humanity. We cannot avoid it until it becomes physically impossible for us to perform it. Our work can also be our ministry or even an expression of our worship. The way we treat work, however, can spell a difference betweenContinue reading “Busy, or Lazy?”

Private – Eyes Only, for Now

During the three years of Jesus’ earthly ministry, He performed signs, wonders, and miracles that astonished the people who witnessed these and made them realize that Jesus was doing them by the power of God. Most of the signs, wonders, and miracles Jesus performed were public. However, as far as the record of the ScripturesContinue reading “Private – Eyes Only, for Now”

Can You Hear What I Hear?

We sometimes hear some Christians saying they want to be able to listen to the voice of God. We don’t know their motives for this wish but unsurprisingly, this longing is strongest among those who have just been born again; this desire typically wanes through the years. I say unsurprisingly because that is my observationContinue reading “Can You Hear What I Hear?”

The Praying or Preying Shepherd

Have you ever wondered why Jesus expects us to pray even unceasingly? The Bible is loaded with exhortations, even commands for every born-again believer to pray not just for others, but also for their personal needs. This begs the question, “If God is Omniscient, as the Bible declares God to be, why doesn’t He justContinue reading “The Praying or Preying Shepherd”

Grievous, or Graceful?

If we watched the ocean from the shore, we would be drawn into quiet meditation and peaceful thoughts as we marvel at the beauty of God’s creation. But if we waded into the sea or even ventured into the deep, that wonder would turn to awe. It is also the same with the Word ofContinue reading “Grievous, or Graceful?”

The Vultures Are Watching

Vultures are fascinating birds that have features specifically helping them with their scavenging lifestyle. Most of them have large pouches in the throat that can allow them to go long periods without food. This helps them when it becomes hard for them to find left-over carcasses from other predators. They also have strong beaks suitableContinue reading “The Vultures Are Watching”

For Men Only

Oftentimes we read about God or Jesus doing or saying things that in today’s mindset or worldview are improper, or politically incorrect as some would put it. Today let’s look at one of these, and it is about gender bias. So does God reveal He observes gender bias in the Bible and does this biasContinue reading “For Men Only”

The Treasure, the Pearl, and the Net

Bible commentators are scholars who are experts in the original languages the Scriptures were written in. Coupled with this knowledge are the results of investigations into background historical information on places, peoples, practices, and customs during the Bible times. They’ve also meticulously studied the contemporary writings of secular authors who lived and wrote during theContinue reading “The Treasure, the Pearl, and the Net”

The Let-ter (or, Do Your Job!)

A gamut of emotions might arise whenever we read Bible passages that describe the end-times and the appearance of the Lord Jesus. As we imagine that event, our feelings might range from excitement, or anticipation, or anxiety, even fear. That would depend on where you locate yourself in the situation. If the meditation was self-centricContinue reading “The Let-ter (or, Do Your Job!)”

What Happens to It?

One Bible verse commonly used in “comforting” others who are suffering from some anxiety is 1Peter 5:7. It says, “casting all your anxieties on him because he cares for you.” A casual reading of the verse would suggest to us to just leave the load at Jesus’ feet and not carry it around ourselves. IfContinue reading “What Happens to It?”

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