Reverse Engineering

The Bible warns Christ-followers about being entangled or even spiritually cooperating with heathen, even those who openly claim that they also believe in Jesus Christ, His Person, Deity, and mission. Paul calls such a relationship “unequally yoked” and will harm the Christian more than the heathen partner. But are there ways where Christians get unequallyContinue reading “Reverse Engineering”

Did I Say Thanks?

A farmer was invited by a distinguished gentleman to a dinner in his house. As they sat at the table the farmer prayed and gave thanks to God. After prayer, the host said, “Why do you still pray over food? That is unnecessary and is no longer indulged in by well-educated and sophisticated people!” TheContinue reading “Did I Say Thanks?”

The Perfect Exchange

The man stepped back, slowly turned, and trudged away from the Rabbi, his steps heavy, chin to his chest and tears welling in his eyes, unable to believe and accept what he had heard. Our young man expected to hear the Rabbi’s answer to come to him as a moment of euphoria, or a eurekaContinue reading “The Perfect Exchange”

Not For Us!

During Jesus’ earthly ministry, He never did anything publicly that was solely for His personal satisfaction, benefit, or popularity. His outstanding and still-unmatched signs, wonders, and miracles captivated people’s attention. This brought Him fame, but for Him, they were purposeful, intentional, and effective actions. He even called them “work”. This is what He said inContinue reading “Not For Us!”


You might want to read the title again, because that doesn’t mean the common acronym for “What You See is What You Get”, rather it means, “What You See is What You Won’t Get” for a reason. There are good traits or virtues that the Bible encourages. Although these are not directly named, they areContinue reading “WYSIWYWG”

Hacking Heaven

First of all, let it be clear that I agree with those who believe that there will be some people who will be saved during the tribulation period, according to Revelation 20:4 who are known as the tribulation saints. I believe that these souls will enter the Millennial Kingdom together with the raptured saints. However,Continue reading “Hacking Heaven”

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