How Is It Taken?

This article is an expansion of my earlier treatise “What’s In a Name?”. I have edited the body of that article but added the implications and applications of the word “name” as we come across it in the Bible. This version will add some more depth to the meaning of the word “name” as itContinue reading “How Is It Taken?”

Not For Us!

During Jesus’ earthly ministry, He never did anything publicly that was solely for His personal satisfaction, benefit, or popularity. His outstanding and still-unmatched signs, wonders, and miracles captivated people’s attention. This brought Him fame, but for Him, they were purposeful, intentional, and effective actions. He even called them “work”. This is what He said inContinue reading “Not For Us!”

Is The Light Dimmed?

Many Christians yearn for spiritual power as it was exhibited in Scripture. But spiritual power comes at a price. We need to know what that price is and how it is paid. We know that the Greek “dunamis” translated as “power” is the root word for the English words that start with “dyna”, such asContinue reading “Is The Light Dimmed?”

The Beam

Many years ago, a few days after I got saved, I attended a religious seminar in a quest to know more about God. Little did I know that when you seek God, He will disclose more about you than He will about Him. I didn’t know that Truth is also like a clear mirror thatContinue reading “The Beam”

The Message on The Mount

The life of the Lord Jesus Christ was marked by prayer. We would think that as the Son of God He didn’t have to do this, but in His humanity, I believe He used these times to wait on the Father and download His instructions. This time in our story, when Jesus went up onContinue reading “The Message on The Mount”

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